Austrian military or naval personnel lent old-fashioned swim suits for cadets at Trieste according to class of l911 cadet Wilfred N. Derby later Vice Admiral United States Coast Guard and l947-l950 Superintendant of Coast Guard Academy at New London. The Revenue Cutter School was renamed the CoastGiuard Academy after merger with Life Saving Service l9l5, and most Coast Guard alumni got in habit of speaking of the prior Revenue Cutter School as "the ACADEMY" FOR SIMPLICITY. A November 30, 1921 family letter mentions that a "silly. boyish prank" led to Jack Barrett being required to resign from the Revenue Cutter School in November 1911 six months before his scheduled graduation. He had scored third in the United States on the 1909 Entrance examination.He remained on close terms of personal friendship with a subtantial number of his fellow cadets, - many of whom had high Coast Guard rank in the World War II period and contributed to communications, education and safety at sea and in the Arctic. |
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