49 CLAXTON PaBarrett letterl936 To: Lactoris@yahoo.com On August ll, l936 Jack's brother Wim J. Barrett head of the Policy Holder's Service Bureau the Metropn Life Insurance Company of New York, was in Milwaukee,Wisconsin & wrote Jack on the CLAXTON c/o Postmr New York," Dear Jack: I've wired you from here today but want quite sure where you'd be-so this letter: I'm on one of the US Steel cargo boats -500 feet crrying coal Detrit to Milwaukee this trip,I'm guest of Fred Erb of Detroit.It's been abeautiful trip & wonderful vacation.Now to get to the point.It is important if you can arrange it in any way that Mr. Fred Erb get aboard the boat for the trip on the CLAXTON that you are fixing for me.I'd like to have him along,& I know he'd love to go.He is President of the Eaton Erb company of Detroit= an important subsidiary of the Eaton Manufacturing Company of Cleveland.He is a prominnt citizen of Detroit & a great friend of mine. In fact he is largely responsible for the success of the foundry survey- my first job with the Metropolitan Life which I think had a lot to do witm getting known in the company.What I'd lie to have is that he & I board the CLAXTON at New York Monday August 24,l936 & go back to Norfolk & Annapols with you, If at all possible- do this favor for me.(Jack did take Bill and Erb from NYork city to Annapolis note by Sophie BarrettIf you get an answer before Friday,wire me c/o Metropolitan Life Insurance Company,Group Division,General Motors Building,Detroit.I am returning to New York Monday August l7. See you next week.Regards,Bill."On November 27,l935 Jack's father -referred to as "Pa" Barrett wrote to Jack on the CLAXTON from his home at 640 East Seventh Street in South Boston:"Dear Jack,I received your welcome letter& I was glad to learn that you are in command of the CLAXTON.Ma had been in bed for three months.-at present she seems to be comfortable & a little better than she has been (diabetes).By the way,Christmas is coming,& I hope both of you will visit us.Will try to make it pleasant as possible if it isn't too cold for you Southerners. I will tell the weatherman to keep the weather mild & warm.I had tomatoes growing in the garden until November 23, & next day was the coldest in fifty-four years at this date.Now it is warm & clear.Bill called up the other night.I have only two hens,but I will get five more next week.Jimmie Snow came the other day,& his old friend Jack Frost came tagging after him.I hadn't seen him since March l6,and he left town that day,& I would not care if he never came back.We will expect that you both will see your way clear to come home for Christmas if possible,& I will give Bill the same hint-but I believe he willbe here if possible-Pa Barrett"(John Robert Barrett was born in Boston,November 29,l854)//: 115 CLAXTON beginning p. 206 h. xix Command of the Destroyer CLAXTON: Late in l935 while exec off of the HANNIBAL Jack received orders to command the destroyer USS CLAXTON, based in Norfolk Virginia the CLAXTON had four four-inch fifty caliber guns, one three inch 23 caliber AA four twenty-one inch type torpedo tubes.Authorized �ov 4 l9l7 Commissioned September 13, l9l9. Went out of commission June 1922. It was 314 feet 4 1/2 inches long.thgirty feet 11 1/4 width draft nine feet. Displacement 1154 tons. Built Navy Yard Mare Island. Speed 35.45 knots two masts. She had eight wardroom officer space ten petty officers and one hundred four enlisted men. It was named for midshipman Claxton, l8l2. She was transferred to the British in l940 as part of the Lend Lease program. L:t. Cdr J. B. Barrett relieved Commander F. E. Fitch of command of USS CLAXTON on 8 November l935. Admiral Hayne Ellis was the Squadron Commander. In December l935 he wrote: "My dear Barrett This is just a note to wish you and yours, your officers and men a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. |
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