Three of Sophie Meranski's brothers were drafted into United States Army about August l9l8 in World War I. When the draft notices came, their mother Thalia Goldfed Meranski was making jelly and was so nervous she used salt instead of sugar in making the jelly.The Armistice November 11 came before they were sent overseas, but the eldest brother Harry got severe influenza, which probably contributed to his death of pneumonia December l931, leaving permanent effects. Harry and Abe were at Fort Devens near Shirley, Massachusetts, and Abe sent a copy of this photo to his brother Ben, who was at Fort Dix, New Jersey.It is believed one other brother besides Harry had influenza also. Abe married Ethyle Berenson, a Hartford Neighbor, whos family w2ere neighbors of the Meranskis on Front Street as early as l892. Abe worked at Vandeman Plumbing and frequently acted as vaudeville Master of ceremonies for the Hartford Young Men's Hebrew Association. A letter to Sophie from his sister Esther recounted an enjoyable evening in April, l934, in which he was leader.His son Ted Meranski is retired from Post Office, Miami, Beach Florida, and has three married children Aleen Mercer in Raleigh North Carolina, Michael Meranski in Grenanda, West Indies, and Arnold Meranski resident in Steamboat Colorado with real estate business in Denver.Abe's daughter Carol Jane and her husband Herb Gitlen are in Jensen Beach Florida after years in Bloomfield, Connecticut and Newport Rhode Island. They often winter in Puerto Vallarta on Mexican Pacific. There children are Andrea and Geoff (Jess). |
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