Photo by John Barrett, junior, about June 20, l947 in Yosemite Valley near the Merced River. Commander Barrett and fmaily left Honolulu June 4 on Army transport GENERAL RANDALL and arrived San Francsico June 10.Mollie Barrett took sux weeks leave from Metropolitan Life Insurance South Boston Office and flew to San Francisco. The family stayed at Hotel Californian while Jack made reservations via American Automobile Association and prepared l937 Lincoln Zephyr automobile.Sophie was recovering from surgery.Barretts saw Harry Meranski's sister-in -law Marion Taylor, a nurse then in San Francisco, who had visited several times in Brooklyn l940-l94l.They visited Golden Gate Park, the Presidio, Golden Gate andSan Francisco Bay Bridges, and Twin Peaks.Radiator troubles in the old l937 Lincoln Zephyr delayed the trip one day at Merced, California after hot radiator water spurted up and hit the roof of a service station at Modesto. During the week at Wawona June 17-24 the family visited Hetch Hetchy Valley in the north part of Yosemite Park, where the Tuolumne River created a second valley with wildlife and scenery similar to the better-known Yosemite Valley on the Merced River.Unfornunately in l9l3 over objections of John Muir this Hetch Hetchy Valley was flooded as a reservoir for San Francisco. There is new interest today in restoring Hetch Hetchy and removing the dam.Mount Holyoke College art museum has a fine l880's painting of deer grazing in Hetch Hetchy Valley.Kings Canyon near the General Grant giant sequoia is another deep glaciated valley of the western Sierra Nevada.The name means "shining range" and reflects the earlier-named mountains near Seville, Granada Spain. |
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