He is believed born Brest l865, spent time in Odessa near Black Sea, was photographed wearing few in Turkey, left home at age seventeen because of repressive persecution and probably militasry draft, learned tailoring Cairo Egypt l880s, was married to Thalia Goldfeld August 8, 1890 at Germania Hall Hartford -had eight children Harry l891 Ben 1892,Esther 1894, Abe 1896 Bertha l889 (l899?) Sophie 1901 Israel Peter l903 +Rebekah l906. After his first wife died of cancer September 8, l925, he married Mrs. Adelman, a recent immigrant from Lithuania with four young children.The youngest Rachel Shulman was very friendly with Sophioe Barrett in later years, and her son Mark visited Sophie's l923 Mount Holyoke classmate Betty Giles (Mrs. Howard) at NIH Washington DC l974 when her incurable motor neuron disease was being studied there. Rachel and Albert Shulman of Hartford have three daughters also - the youngest Amy is Mrs. Robert Weinberg in Brooklione - wife of noted MIT cancer geneticist. David Meranski was a tailor on Portland St l909- ran restaurant at 25 Morgan St l9l90-1915 -grocety at 4 Wooster St Hartford after autumn l9l6. He was active helping new immigrants in Moses Montefiore society and in Capital City Lodge helping Hartford Jewish families plan burial arrangements.He attended Sophie's l923 Mount Holyoke graduation. |
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