1908 dinner probably at Harvard Club of Boston. detail p41 # 325 or #960 . BOSTON LATIN SCHOOL chapter RedHeadedStepchild by Sophie + John Barrett Masters William Foster Rice, Joseph Webber Chadwick, William Pride Henderson and Henry Pennypacker appear in second row from back .Jack Barrett is fifth from right in third row from front. Next to him is Truman advisor David Niles, and third from right end is Navy ophthalmologist Dr. Irving W. Jacobs. Other identifications: Front row second from left - Samuel Finkel- once youngest Massachusetts State Senator- corresponded with Sophie and John from California l970-1972,. Front Row extreme right Henry Thomas - author of numerous biographies and books on scholarship and philosophy. His son Dana Lee Thomas was an editor of Barron's Financial Weekly in l970s - active in Harvard alumni - wrote Barretts in l970s. - Third from right George Carl Adams - another active correspondent l970s. Fifth from right is attorney Dan Lyne, who walked to school with Jack Barrett and Edward Illingworth from South Boston - his son Dan Lyne was a classmate of Jack Barrett at Boston College Law School 1949-1951. Second row fifth from left William Angus Corley Annapolis graduate and career Naval officer- second from Right Dr. Austin Cheever, who settled in Hawaii.Third row sixth from right David Niles [originally Neyhus] who achieved diplomatic recognition for Israel 1947 fifth from right "Red Headed Stepchild" John Berchmans Barrett 1888-1969. Back row fifth from right John Carroll Poland junior who grew up in West Roxbury, founded West Roxbury Historical Society l931 and Braintree Historical Society - he was l906 Boston Latin Class Secretary - left extensive notes -his wife Lucile was a cousin of West Roxbury Branch Librarian Pauline Walker. The Polands moved l954 from Temple St. West Roxbury to l9 Trim Street, Camden Maine, wheere the Barretts visited them l963 and l968. Mrs. Poland donated the original of this photo to the Barretts after her husband died March 28, l969. She lived to age ninety four or more, returning to her native Ossippee, New Hampshire. In Chapter below, there is identification numbering keyed to this photo- ------ B-O-S-T-O-N __L-A-T-I-N Jack Boston Latin story- Ancient History exam question:"Tell all you know about the Emperor Caligula" {a highly depraved character}.Student received passing grade for reply, "The less said about Caligula the better." E_D_W_A_R_D _E_V_E_R_E_T_T _H_A_L_E When Jack was a student at Boston Latin, he heard Edward Everett Hale,(1822-l909) 1835 alumnus who frequently spoke to the students and was active in alumni.Hale is principally remembered today for his short story "The Man Without a Country", which reflects patriotic feelings of the era just before the Civil War, comparable to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's stirring "Sail on O ship of State - Sail on O nation strong and great" or Walter Scott's "Breathes there a man with soul so dead Who never to himself has said, 'This is my own, native land?'" Edward Everett Hale was a grandnephew of Revolution hero Nathan Hale.In later years he was appointed Chaplain of the United States Senate in a period of corruption and muck-racking. He comically remarked,"I looked at the Senators, and I prayed for the country."Jack quoted this a number of times. In 1635 Reverend John Cotton wanted to establish in the new world a school like the Free Grammar School of Boston, England, in which Latin and Greek were taught.The first school was in the home of the master.Boston assigned the rents of Deer, Long, and Spectacle Islands in the Harbor to suport of the school. Jack had the tercentennary history 1935 by Pauline Holmes published by Harvard School of Education. Dr. Moses Merrill, who was principal retiring 1901, reorganized the curriculum on a modern basis, after which there were few changes. When Jack entered in 1902, Arthur Irving Fiske became principal. He taught Latin- was courteous, scholarly, gentlemanly, but developed health problems, retired and died in 1910 while Jack's brother Bill was enrolled. His successor was Henry Pennypacker, who was an excellent athlete, taught Greek, and later was Harvard Dean of Admissions.He was succeeded by Patrick Thomas Campbell in 1920. Jack took Greek with Pennypacker, Latin with Fiske, French with William Pride Henderson, History - his best subject gradewise with Selah Howell,[who lived on Kirk Street, West Roxbury]and English with Byron Groce.He took math with Pat Campbell and later consulted principal Campbell in connection with transcripts of his grades for Navy and job applications.Campbell was elected Superintendant of Boston Public Schools in 1931. Of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence five were Boston Latin School boys - John Hancock,Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Treat Paine, William Hooper.Originally the school was on the north side of School Street, until 1784,when a new schoolhouse was built on Bedford Street. In 1881 the School moved to Warren Avenue,where Jack attended for four years from 1902 to 1906.Boston English High School and Girls Latin were nearby. In 1922 the Latin School moved to a new building on Avenue Louis Pasteur in the Fenway.Admission requires an examination in mathematics and English.Courses offered were English, Latin, Greek, French, German, History, Mathematics,Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Music, Art, Physical Education,Health Education, Declamation. Declamation has been offered since the foundation of the Latin School. Jack kept many copies of the student-written Boston Latin School magazine "Register." Jack was especially fond of Caesar's "Gallic Wars" and Duruy's World History - originally 1848 French translated and updated 1898 by Professor Grosvenor of Amherst College.Jack was admitted to Harvard College 1906 based on the special Harvard exam used at that date. He attended a few classes but found he could not afford the two hundred dollars tuition.He would have been a classmate of T.S. Eliot, John Reed,Dan Lyne, Edward Illingworth. Latin prose composition was stressed- Jack remembered and quoted an example "Quos dii ruant, infurant" - based on the Greek of Sophocles' play "Antigone"- "Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad." T_H_O_M_A_S__ C_R_A_V_E_N_ On March 30, l97l Mr. Thomas D. Craven, Secretary of the Boston Latin School Association supplied us with the names and addresses of the surviving members of Jack's class of l906.He listed George C.Adams,Dr. Augustus Cheever,Samuel B. Finkel, Dr. Emilio Goggio, Dr.Irving W. Jacobs, and Gardner Murphy, junior, among the ten surviving members of the class.Although he gave ten names and addresses of l906 members, we found only the named six alive. We wrote letters to the ten Mr. Craven named and had replies indicating that only six survived. F_R_E_D_E_R_I_C_K__ B. _W_I_L_L_I_A_M_S Mr. Frederick B. Williams of Roslindale and Needham had suggested we contact Mr. Craven.G_E_O_R_G_E __A_D_A_M_S George Carl Adams replied on March 10, l97l, "Dear Mrs. Barrett,So pleased to hear from you this morning.I am not sure if I can be of much help.Of course I knew John but not very well and I don't recall even having Bill Corley called "Stubby". I know Gardner Murphy very well indeed but the other boys not so well.You were very kind to send me so much information.It was very interesting. I hope you can get in touch with some of the boys who knew Jack very well and can give you the information you want.Write again and tell me how you get on.-George Carl Adams.(Milford, Connecticut)" Our letter to Joseph Merrill was answered from New York City on March 7, l97l by his son Arthur Merrill telling us his father had died on May 7, l970 at age eighty-one.He promised to get in touch with us if he came across anything of interest about the Boston Latin School experiences of his father, but we heard no more from him.We wrote several times to Dr.Austin Cheever of Honolulu and did not get a reply although friends told us he was alive but not in good health.He was a skin specialist. Dr. Emilio Goggio of California wrote twice but contributed no detailed information about his school years. He was a linguist graduated from Harvard in l909.A second letter from George Adams March 17, l97l "Henry Pennypacker was my favorite teacher.He taught Greek. He was later made headmaster. A wonderful man.We all got honors in Greek on entrance Exams at Dartmouth and Harvard." State Senator S_A_M_U_E_L __F_I_N_K_E_L On March 20, l97l the Honorable Samuel B. Finkel wrote from North Hollywood, California,"I feel badly that I am unable to furnish you with the information you would like concerning certain members of the Class of l906.About the only ones I remember strictly from my Latin School days are Fred Wilmot and John Poland- my closest friend following our Latin School days.The following I remember from later contacts in one way or another- Dan Lyne, Austin Cheever,Dave Niles, Henry Schnittkind and a few others whom I would meet casually.To my regret none of the others "rang a bell"- Goode, Goggio,.Jacobs, McCarthy.There is a deeply rooted Latin School tradition in my family.My two brothers went to Latin School-both of them distinguished themselves scholastically and in other ways.My only son was a member of the class of l934 or perhaps l933. There was a specially close relationship between him and William Pride Henderson. If without too much trouble a Xerox copy of the 1906 class dinner picture could be sent to me, I would appreciate it very much and would be glad to pay for whatever expense is involved. Do you have any idea of how many of the class are still living?Are Gardner Murphy and I the only ones? Don't hesitate to write again." (Note-William Pride Henderson lived in West Roxbury in later years, and Jack saw him when we moved there in l947.) D_A_N & G_E_N_E __L_Y_N_E On March 26,l97l Gene Lyne, son of Jack's close friend Dan Lyne sent a note enclosing the photostat copy of a few pages his father had written about the Latin School. Jack and Dan Lyne and Ed Illingworth of South Boston walked to the Latin School on Warren Avenue across the Fourth Street bridge, passing a Lithuanian church on West Fifth near B Street on the way. E_D_W_A_R_D__ I_L_L_I_N_G_W_O_R_T_H Illingworth studied in Europe with composer Ferruchio Busoni, moved to West Roxbury n Woirld War I era, and taught music in Boston Public Schools and played a church organ near the West Roxbury Parkway on Sundays.Dan Lyne's paper is entitled, "Preparatory School." "Boston Latin School was my preparatory school. I was a student there from l902 to l906.It is the oldest public school in the United States.The Boston Transcript described it as 'the school that dandled Harvard College on its knee.'I believe Harvard College was founded so that graduates of Boston Latin might have an institution near at hand in which to continue their studies.Ten per cent of the signers of the Declaration of Independence had been students at Boston Latin School.It was a long distance from my house to the school, but I rode it on the street car only twice- all other days I walked it over Dover Street bridge regardless of the weather, for the fare of five cents was worth saving, and I was never absent or late during the four years.I received more real education at the Boston Latin School than in any other place including Harvard and Harvard Law School.I was president of the Boston Latin School Association from 1941 to 1944.This year I have been asked to serve as judge at the school's annual prize declamation,for I am a member of the class which is fifty years out this year. I had graduated from grammar school before entering so I did not take the regular six year course.Boys so entering were known as 'out of course' students and were expected to get back into course at the end of their first or second year.I have never forgotten my first home lesson at Boston Latin School, memorizing declination of 'mensa'.I walked around and around a table at home and very seriously considered transferring to some other school.Each class had a 'home room teacher'.In the third class my home room teacher was Mr. Norton, in the second Mr. Rulandon, and in the First Mr. Chadwick ('Chad').I regret to have to record that in each of my four years I received more 'misdemeanor'marks than did any other boy in my class.Under the rules of the school this disqualified me from receiving any prizes or holding any commission in the school regiment.In my last year Mr. Fiske('Pa") the headmaster called me out from my room to the corridor and said to me,'Lyne, at the teachers' meeting last night it appeared you had enough misdemeanor marks to warrant a censure.You are color sergeant of the regiment, and I want you to carry the flag at the exercises next week,so I vetoed the censure. I did this because I feel you have an unusually well-rounded mind- most good students are excellent in language but only mediocre in mathematics,but you have been outstanding in both languages and mathematics,although your past censures have prevented your getting any prizes.'he next day Mr.Henderson our French teacher,called at me,'Lyne,one misdemeanor mark! -and I'm tempted to take you down to the gym and give you a lesson!' I replied, 'I'm ready and willing to go to the gym with you at any time.' Henderson:'Two misdemeanor marks!' Lyne 'Go to hell! 'Henderson,'You're censored.'So I did not carry the flag at the exercises the next week, but I have always loved 'Pa" Fiske for his kindness in trying to make it possible for me to do so. 'Pat Campbell succeeded Mr. Pennypacker- who had succeeded 'Pa' Fiske as head master at Boston Latin School-told me this story, 'Dan, I'm having a hard time keeping the boys up to the school's old standards of education. I was upbraiding one of them recently, and he said to me, "Mr. Campbell, I don't see why I should study any harder. It took Joe Kennedy seven years to get through Latin School,and look how well he has done."'"Dan Lyne's father was blind and peddled brooms in South Boston, where they lived at D and Third Streets across from Jack's cousins the Hartigans and Donovans.Dan became a district attorney in the early l920's, then went into law practice, and handled Jack's inheritance in l926 of three thousand dollars from his aunt Kate in San Francisco. Dan married Sue O'Brien of Dorchester and had five children and many granchildren. Their sons Eugene and Kerry Lyne became lawyers.Dan recommended John for Roxbury Latin School l947 and Jack for Boston College Law School l949. G_A_R_D_N_E_R __M_U_R_P_H_Y_On April 11,l971 Mr. Gardner Murphy junior of Cambridge Massachusetts wrote"THANK YOU FOR THE NEWS OF SOME OF THE 1906 MEN WHO HAVE MOVED AWAY AND IN SOME CASES PICKED OUT CALIFORNIA to settle. I have learned more about the class in the last few months than in all the years since graduation."He identified forty-six classmates in the official l906 photo for us. He was in investments and resided many years in Buffalo, New York, then retiring in Cambridge, Massachusetts where we located him and John visited his apartment. Captain USN I_R_V_I_N_G__ J_A_C_O_B_S On April 13, l97l we received a letter from Dr. Irving W. Jacobs of Tustin California "This will acknowledge your letters of March 8 and April 7, l97l. As my eyes have not been good for the past several months,this letter will be a short one.It was nice to hear of events and friends of your husband.He was a good friend in the Boston Latin Class of l906. He visited me aboard the Hospital ship RELIEF while in Guantanamo Bay. As we both did not speak Spanish,we had a difficult time communicating with the Cuban people. We had studied too much Latin and Greek while in Boston Latin School.Lieutenant Commander Corley a Naval Academy graduate was treated [CHECK MANUSCRIPT] by me about that time. We spoke of Boston Latin graduates- your husband was mentioned at that time. I do remember other Boston Latin l906 classmates such as Dan Lyne - later a lawyer in Boston - Sheehan - Captain of the baseball team and the Poland boys, Buckley, Ney, Neyhus (Niles) Finkel, Schnittkind (Henry Thomas), who wrote the words of the class song"The boys of 'six' do all kinds of tricks"- it was my pleasure to have written the music.Some professors at Boston Latin at that time were Dr. Irving Fiske, principal, Pennypacker professor of Greek, Henderson professor of French and Greek. -Stuffy Groce - professsor of English - a true sadist.He said to Ney,"Your mark in English this month is 15 - last month it was 20."Sorry but I cannot remember much more and must close" -Dr. Irving W. Jacobs, career opthalmologist, U.S. Navy. F_I_N_K_E_L (2) On April 23, l97l the Honorable Samuel Finkel wrote again from North Hollywood,California "You will be glad to know that I called Dr. Jacobs on the phone and had a pleasant talk with him during which we reminisced about our Boston Latin School teachers and classmates. Both of us agree you deserve a gold medal for trying to bring the surviving members of the class to the attention of each other.I explained to Jacobs that I have allowed my driver's license to lapse and so could not make the trip to Tustin,which is about fifty miles from here.Fortunately, Jacobs's wife can drive.I invited both of them to visit us in Los Angeles.I look forward to their visit. Schnittkind -He was an author-his pen name was HENRY THOMAS- he had a son who collaborated with him and later succeeded him either under the same name or a different one. Their publisher was Doubleday New York city. A letter to them will get you the information you want.If and when you get it,I would appreciate your letting me know what you have learned about him. D_A_V_I_D__ N_I_L_E_S- Niles You can get full information about him through Ford Hall Forum attention Judge Reuben Lurie Superior Court and -or Louis P.Smith.In my opinion Niles became the outstanding member of our class.His office was in the White House during the administrations of Truman and Franklin Roosevelt. He wielded tremendous power both in the White House and Congress. (Note Niles was an advisor expecially on labor matters and played a crucial role in President Truman's prompt diplomatic recognition of Israel and integration of black African Americans in United States Armed Services. Presidential speech-writer Clark Clifford supported the efforts of Niles, and President Truman overruled Secretary of State George Marshall, who threatened to resign but withdrew the threat after Truman's decision). Wilmot-He does not appear in the class picture [actually he does] but he certainly was a member of our class.He won the first prize in Declamation while still in the Second Class.He later became a professional actor then an advanced Universalist Minister and later religious editor of a well known newspaper in Providence Rhode Island.Groce the English teacher:[gap?] In a later letter which I hope my failing eyesight will not prevent me from writing, I shall use some of your comments and those of John as cues for some observations of my own."-Samuel Finkel.On May 24, l97l the Honorable Sam Finkel wrote again from North Hollywood,"In accordance with an exchange of letters and telephone calls between Dr. Irving Jacobs and myself Saturday May 22nd was fixed as the date for our reunion in his home.In every way the visit came off very well.It was not only a memorable occasion- but a pleasant one as well. The highlight of the visit was the class picture.Jacobs had never seen it before nor did he remember the occasion (a class dinner in l908). Mrs. Jacobs was not able to identify her husband nor me.I am writing Jacobs that his class song collaboarator [Henry Thomas]passed away.Incidentally he played the song, and we both sang it together.I know David Niles was never married. Sam Finkel."= J_O_H_N & L_U_C_I_L_E__ P_O_L_A_N_D For a number of years Jack had received attractive photo Christmas cards from his classmate John Poland, who had moved from West Roxbury to Camden, Maine in 1954. These cards motivated us to resume our habit of annual Christmas photos, as in Jack's active Navy years.On August l6, l963 Jack John and I visited Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll Poland junior at their home at 10 Trim Street in Camden Maine. We were reurning from a week's holiday touring Montpelier, Vermont,Lake Champlain, Roux's Point New York, Montreal Three Rivers, Quebec City, the Beauce Valley, Jackman. Maine.John Poland had attended Harvard college class of 1911 and divinity school and was very active as l906 Boston Latin class secretary, organizing reunions, round robin letters,and an extensive newsletter and questionnaire for the l935 school tercentennary.He also was founder of the West Roxbury Historical Society in l93l, having grown up on Temple Street.His father and uncle had developed a brand of washing machines.He moved to Maine in l954. His wife Lucile was a first cousin of West Roxbury Branch Public Librarian Pauline Walker, who helped Jack a great deal in 1950s and 1960s. Jack and John visited the Polands in Camden again in May l968 and shortly thereafter joined the West Roxbury Historical Society, in which we were active many years. John Poland died the same day as President Dwight Eisenhower, March 28, l969. Lucile lived to age 94, corresponded with the Barretts and West Roxbury Historical Society to 1988 or later, and went to a retirement home in Ossippee, New Hampshire, where she grew up.] Sophie Barrett notes: In June,l97l John Barrett went to Camden by bus to visit Mrs Poland, who gave him the l906 Boston Latin class photo and a big box of Boston Latin materials and items for the West Roxbury Historical Society, including John Poland's notes on early settlers in the Baker Street area near Brook Farm, beginning around l690, originally in Newton but annexed to Roxbury and Boston.On this trip John Barrett also saw Captain and Mrs. Haskell Todd in Belfast, Maine, where they discussed discussed the 1938-1939 voyages of the tanker TRINITY. Mrs. Poland drove John to Mount Megunticook where Edna St. Vincent Millay had the idea for her best-known poem. On May 23, 1971 Lucile Poland, wife of Jack's Boston Latin School classmate wrote to John from Camden, Maine: "Dear John, Thank you very much for the photograph of the Boston Latin School class including my John when he was a youth. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in having the picture copied for me, and I hope you will overlook my negligence in not thanking you sooner. I do not know any of John's Latin School classmates. I met Dan Lyne once and your father when you three called on us here in our home. [When John was a guest at Mrs. Poland's home in Camden one month after receiving this letter - June, 1971- Mrs. Poland told him that she had gone to Hawaii to visit Doctor and Mrs. Austin Cheever. He was a 1906 classmate of John Poland at Boston Latin School. Maybe she didn't realize he was a BLS classmate - thought of him only as an old Boston friend.] I have heard John speak of several of the others, so their names are familiar to me. You may be interested in having this late class reunion picture. I wonder if your father is in this picture. John is seated directly back of #10. I do not wish to have the picture returned.What a pity that John and I have no sons and daughters to cherish some of our intimate belongings. We found each other too late. When we were maried in 1944, I was forty-nine, and John was fifty-eight. At that time I suggested we adopt a litte boy or a girl or both, but John said, "No, we are too old, - it wouldn't be fair to the children", and we have done many things to help other people's children. In so doing, we have derived much pleasure and satisfaction. = I do have many friends here in Camden. My roots are firmly planted here, and I should hesitate to leave the house where John and I spent the happiest years of our life. The house is big, but I love it. I was glad to hear of the activities of thr West Roxbury Historical Society. [Jack Barrett was a member of this Society]. [Sophie later joined]. = One reason for my delay in thanking you was that I wished to go to the attic to look among John's things for Latin School memorabilia. I found a box marked "Boston Latin School" containing papers and photographs.One large class picture mounted on cardboard. Your father's class picture is in the group, and I think there are three or four of the teachers. [John brought this picture home and had reproductions made for the six surviving classmates as John Poland had named everyboy in the photograph]. = "Now then you offered your help, and I am going to accept your offer. My thought is this: Maybe you could ask some friend to take a drive with you some pleasant day this early summer, = drive to Camden, and pick up these things. I have a guest room with a big double bed if you wiah to stay overnight." = [John went to visit Mrs. Poland and returned with a big box of Boston Latin memorabilia.] = From the Boston Globe Librarian I learned on June 9, 1971 that David K. Niles [Neyhus] died on September 28,1952. The Globe carred the obituary on September 29, 1952 in the A.M. edition. It was on the front page. John made a copy at the Boston Public Library, where the paper, going back to 1872 is on microfilm. = John Barrett had a very enjoyable June, 1971 visit in Camden and also in Belfast, Maine saw Captain and Mrs. Haskell C. Todd , who reminisced about the voyages of the tanker TRINITY to the Philippines, Dutch Indies, Dutch Harbor, and Japan. Mrs. Poland showed him the mountain where Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote one of her best known poems, and gave much material both on Boston Latin School and West Roxbury. The founding of the West Roxbury Historical Society was his idea in 1931, though Harold Arnold, minister of Theodore Parker Church became the first president. John Poland had a great interest in a 1767 School House on Centre St., the old post road traveled by George Washington and his troops in 1775. He also made extensive notes on early families of 1690-1800 near John Eliot Pulpit Rock the later site of Brook Farm. A tradition came down through these families and their descendants to the farmer who sold the Brook Farm site to George Ripley and took back a mortgage autumn 1841. .. Samuel Finkel wrote that he got into Massachusetts politics at an early age and was the youngest elected member of the State Senate in history. 1906 PHOTO IDENTIFICATIONS: l906 photo [left to right in each row, beginning at back] BACK ROW 1.Arthur Timothy Good 2 Winthrop Snow Ney 3. Pierpont MCloskey Cowan 4 George Francis McCarthy 5 John Carroll Poland junior 6 Francis J. Fallon 7 Emilio Goggio 8 Earnest Rudolph Wonemuth,junior? 9 Michael Sisonsky TEACHERS SECOND FROM BACK 10 William Foster Rice, teacher Joseph Webber Chadwick teacher, William Pride Henderson French teacher Henry Pennypacker,Greek teacher. THIRD ROW FROM BACK 14 John Patrick Buckley l5 John Edward Mahoney l6 Samuel Krensky (dentist) 17 Charles Jacales Gale l8 Royal Norton Hallowell l9 Joseph Daniel Donovan 20 David Kahn Neyhus 21 John Berchmans Barrett 22 Albert Hussey 23 Irving W. Jacobs 24 James Humphrey 25 Joseph R. Sheehan FOURTH ROW FROM BACK [second front Front]26 Louis Walter Hickey 27 James Joseph Goode 28 Averille Daily Carlisle 29 Joseph John Mahoney 30 William Angus Corley 31 Cornelius Francis Regan 32 Percy Anthony Broderick 33 John Timothy Reardon 34 Edward Victor Hickey (son a banker?) 35 Richard Dobbyn 36 Austin Walter Cheever 37 Bernard Wolf FRONT ROW 38 Stanley W. Moulton 39 Samuel Benjamin Finkel 40 Francis Stephen Killilea 41 John Michael Spillane 42 Charles Edward Vincent Mansfield 43 Joseph Leo Merrill 44 Joseph Warren Doherty 45 Daniel Joseph Lyne 46 Gardner Murphy second 47 George Carl Adams 48 Henry Joseph Conroy 49 Henry Thomas Schnittkind. Not in picture Edward P. Illingworth,Chrles Nathan Woyzenski. In a letter from Samuel Finkel dated July 4, l97l he says, "In the picture you sent I was glad to be reminded of Sisonsky (#9) He was the essence of gentility humility and dignity of demeanor.He graduated from the Harvard medical School and became a successful doctor in Boston.Unhappily he died much too young.He worked his way through school as an usher at the Colonial Theater.Reverently I bow my head in his memory.Thanks a million for sending me the class pucture.It both gladdened me and saddened me. May your trip to Ireland be both pleasurable and fruitful. Regards to your mother-Sam Finkel" Mr. Finkel refers to a l908 photo at a l906 class reunion dinner which about eigheen attended including Jack Barrett.[This photo was stolen l993, but a photocopy survives.] Boston Latin later turned to one big reunion of all classes, but in the early l900's classes had individual dinners. We still have a copy of the official l906 senior class picture, from the Poland collection. A_N_N J_A_C_O_B_S -On September 14, l971 Mrs. Ann Jacobs wife of Irving W. Jacobs wrote from Tustin, California,"Dr. Jacobs and I would like to thank you for bringing two old Boston Latin School classmates together after sixty-five years. Mr. Finkel and his wife paid us a visit along with his son in June. We found them to be a lovely couple.(go to p. 445A)and enjoyed their vist very much. Dr. Jacobs and Mr. Finkel had a wonderful time talking over old times, and it was amazing how well they could remember events after such a long time. Mr. Finkel's wife Dora is a delightful person and we all love her. Last Saturday we paid a return visit at their son Larry's home. They too are lovely people and we had a very enjoyable visit. We are looking forward to a pleasant and lasting friendship, thanks to you. We also wish to thank you for the pictures you sent.Dr Jacobs could remember quite a few of them and little incidents connected with them. He regrets not being able to give you more help in your search for more acquaintances of your late husband. Mr. Finkel told us there are six living of the classmates.We have been married for eleven years. Thank you again for bringing the Finkels and the Jacobs' together " - Mrs. Irving Jacobs D_A_N_A Lee T_H_O_M_A_S & H_E_N_R_Y T_H_O_M_A_S Niles,Dana Thomas-Boston Latin-1906- Dana Thomas,David Niles- On June 9, l97l Dana L. Thomas, son of Henry Thomas originally named Schnittkind, wrote from New York City: My father was indeed a member of the Class of l906 at Boston Latin School, knew Senator Finkel,and possibly some of the others you have mentioned in your letter.He always spoke to me with great affection about those years in school and to the end re-lived the happy memories of those days. I was born and brought up in Boston and while I have not been living there for thirty years, I have warm, fond feelings for it.Recently my son Peter was graduated from Harvard, the third of his family to go there.He graduated magna cum laude and Phil Beta Kappa and in visiting him during his student years I had occasion to return to Boston and Cambridge and retrace some of my own years while visiting him. My father's family name was originally Levon.The Levons came from Russia.My father's oldest brother was the first to emigate to the United States at the turn of the century, and he adopted the name Schnittkind- I don't know why.My father began writing in the early l920's using his first two names given at birth- Henry Thomas- and after having written over twenty books he made Thomas the legal family name.Born in poverty my father made a brilliant record at Latin School,graduating with one of the highest academic records awarded a student.He became the protege as a student of one of his Boston Latin teachers, Mr. Charles Capen,[longtime Dedham resident] a gentleman in his eighties who wanted to adopt my father as a son so that he could give him the opportunities that my father's parents were unable to provide.But his parents were unwilling to give my father up.My father went to Harvard on scholarships, walking from Boston to Cambridge to save the fare- he graduated in three years after winning numerous honors.He graduated in the famous class of l9l0 which included Walter Lippman, T.S Eliot, Heyward Broun and many others.My father received his Ph.d in the Classics in, I believe, l9l4.This is merely a thumbnail sketch, I realize, but I will be happy to fill you in with anything else you might want to know that I can recall personally or have been told about.In the methew best of luck in your biography and I hope it will come to a happy fruition. Best regards, Dana L. Thomas." Information about Henry Schnittkind, who wrote as Henry Thomas AB, MA and Ph.D was educated at Boston Latin School l906 and Harvard l9l0. Although he has been editor of the Stratford magazine, President of the Stratford Book Company,a teacher at Boston University and Headmaster at Fairfax Preparatory School most of his life has been devoted to writing.Dr. Thomas hasbeen author or co-author of more than forty books including "The Living World of Philosophy" "The Complete Book of English" and "Living Biographies of Great Philosophers." Doubleday sent us his book,"Understanding the Great Philosophers."- He also wrote "Mathematics Made Easy" "Science Subjects made Easy" "Stories of the Great Dramas and Their Authors"- "The Story of the United States" "The Story of Knowledge" "The Story of the Human Race" "The Wonder Book" "The Poets of the Future" and co-authored with Dana Lee Thomas (his son) "Living Biographies of Religious Leaders" "Great Scientists" "Famous Rulers" "American Statesmen" "Famous Men" "Great Composers" "Great Poets" "Great Painters" "Famous Americans" "Famous Novelists" "Famous Women". David Niles of Class of l906 (originally surname was Neyhus). See copy of New York times obituary which John reproduced at the Library. In l936 James Roosevelt and Harry Hopkins invited David Niles to Washington from Boston.In l94l or l942 he became a resident assistant to the President at the White House.He retired in 1951 after serving Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. He was bitterly attacked by anti-Israel factions as reported in New York Times story May 5, l948. Active member of Ford Hall Forum in Boston, Never attended college. President Sachar of Brandeis was an authority on Niles, and Brandeis University has an archive on him." Sam Krensky of the 1906 class became a dentist, and Jack Barrett often talked with him and his wife in South Brookline. Boston Latin graduates 1909 Coleman Silbert attorney 1910 James Bowe MOLONEY of South Boston Lincoln School HARVARD 1914 HARVARD MEDICAL 1917 career Naval officer 1917-1950 Captain USN was at Battle of Midway on NORTHAMPTON, where he frequently saw the great Admiral Raymond Spruance. Dr. Moloney recollected that Joseph P. Kennedy of 1908 class was his unit's outstanding drill commander during the Boston Latin military training program.BOSTON LATIN 1912 William Joseph Barrett, Secretary of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company after 39 year career in Policyholders Service Bureau and developing group health plans MIT 1916, U.S. Army officer World War I. John Vaccaro Harvard college 1916 & law school 1919 attorney & conveyancer. Archibald Dresser appraiser. F_R_E_D_E_R_I_C_K__GILLIS & family: Frederick Gillis teacher, especially business and economics, Boston College and Boston Superintendant of Schools. Fred Gillis and his grandson participated in March,1985 West Roxbury Historical Society program saluting 350 anniversary of school, along with head master Contompasis, Sophie and John Barrett, who organized the program, Frank Molloy, Miss Gretch, and many Boston Latin alumni and their families. Representatives of Boston Latin and Latin Academy now both coeducational participated. Fred Gillis wrote books for his granddaughter while her father was in Vietnam in miitary service. Many West Roxbury residents have had Boston Latin ties, and information on them will be appreciated. They include former Vice-Principal Albert van Steenbergen, James F. Sullivan, senior, tax expert George McLaughlin, Frank Crosson, Richard Whiting Bonney photographer of West Roxbury Historical Society, Edward Mulvanity, James Gibbons, Thomas Hegarty, attorneys William White and William Looney, and Girls Latin alumnae Beatrice Dunham, Dorothy Collins Sullivan and her daughter Dorothy Sullivan Ryan.. Boston Latin principal Wilfred O'Leary and his wife, though Jamaica Plain residents, were members of the West Roxbury Historical Society many years, and he was president in 1982. He was also principal of Roslindale High School. Jack Barrett while at Boston Latin 1905 dated Helen Cochrane of East Fourth Street, South Boston. She was a friend and neighbor of Mollie Manning Curtaz and Anna Manning, who became longtime residents on Linnet Street West Roxbury.. [from Notebook 4 p 61] "To Lieutenant Commander John B. Barrett c/o Philadelphia Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -[from] 378 Columbia Road, Dorchester Massachusetts April 8, 1937 Dear Jack, I am sure you will be very much surprised to hear from me, and I hope not angry at me for writing. My mother has just passed away, and so I have been trying to straighten things out here. = While going through some boxes today, I found all the many pleasant letters you had written as far back as 1910 (my - I'm old). Mother had them all neatly tied and marked, and after reading some of them, I thought I would just drop you a line. = Trust you have been well and happy all these years. Sometime would like so much to say "Hello" if you ever happen to be in this locality. = With kindest regards and pleasant memories of a past friendship, I am - Sincerely, Helen P. Cochrane." . Harvard -Arnold Arboretum botanist Bernice Schubert long editor of Arnold Arboretum Journal specialist on legumes and Dioscoraceae and distinguished photographer who worked with botanist Fernald at Harvard herbaria attended Girls Public Latin and recalls that one of her classmates Sylvia Rehder Wetherell of Jamaica Plain was the daughter of dendrologist Alfred Rehder. There were only forty-seven students in the class of 1906 with Jack Barrett, but demand for quality education led to rapid growth before the time when Bill Barrett was in class of 1912, and in the early 1950s, average Harvard College freshman classes had more than eighty Boston Latin graduates. Readers of Pauline Holmes's 1935 history published by the Harvard School of Education should note the remarkable satiric poem "The Grammarian's Funeral" by Benjamin Thompson the Boston Latin schoolmaster about 1703. Jack Barrett his junior year had a better grade in French than in Greek but nevertheless was encouraged to continue Greek with the famous Henry Pennypacker, and resumed his French at Revenue Cutter School and practiced the language on ITASCA cruises in France 1909-11 and again on MARBLEHEAD 1924 and touring Europe with Sophie 1932. Many Boston Latin alumni recollected a curious cheer "Red nose, Stuffy nose, Sis-Boom-Bah!" concerning the English teacher Bryon "Stuffy Groce". I do not know circumstances of its composition, but it remained popular with a generation of alumni. Dr. James B. Moloney class of 1910 was active in Alcohol treatment and bloodbank after his 1950 Navy retirement and lived at Harvard Club of Boston many decades, then at Soldiers Home Chelsea until September 1980 after surgery for aortic aneurysm. He loved the Lawrence Welk musical television broadcasts. He liked to quote the inscription on Emerson Hall in Harvard yard - originally from Bible apparently a favorite of Ralph Waldo Emerson: "What is Man the Thou are Mindful of him?" He recollected that when his Harvard 1914 classmates had their 1939 twenty-fifth reunion in the outdoor Tercentennary Theatre in front of Widener Library, his classmate James Bryan Conant was University president and classmate Leverett Saltonstall was Massachusetts governor - later senator. Doctor Moloney had a favorite limerick: "There once were two cats in Kilkenny. Each thought 'twas one cat too many. They fought and they fit. They scratched, and they bit. Until instead of two cats there weren't any." |
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